Sometimes it is hard to motivate to update simply because I don't know how to start. It feels like I'm starting the conversation with you, but in the middle of the story. And narrative is easier when you start with the beginning. My life is kind of jumbly right now. And by that, I mean that many days are unplanned and I meander through them doing and accomplishing things, and sometimes lazing some time away. The lack of structure combined with choice and an exceptionally comfortable space often has me set some task aside momentarily and then find myself distracted by some other task or going-on. Little mental piles on the hall table of my mind. And some days you just choose a pile that you *will* work on that day. Which is what brings me to the keyboard now.
I am on a small break from treatment at the moment. A couple of weeks ago I was feeling better than I had in six months or more. My breathing felt good and full, which meant my endurance was better. I even started exercising again. However, got a little setback with my breathing about a week and a half ago. Hoping it was perhaps a summer cold I picked up. Using my inhalers again seems to help, but I'm having endurance frustration again. Occasionally still struggling with being easy on myself. I think I got so super excited about feeling better that any setback is taken hard. Especially since I want to take full advantage of this treatment break.
About that break... last visit with my oncologist he put the option on the table. We had an active discussion about it and decided that it could be a good move to let my body rest and recuperate from an almost solid year and a half of chemotherapy. Of course, we are on the lookout for any problematic symptoms or new problems. But otherwise it's a lovely change of pace from the constant appointments. I'll see my oncologist again in a couple of weeks. And we will line up CT and MRI scans in early July. I have a couple of follow-up appointments tomorrow with radiology and my pulmonologist. No expectations from these, just basic check-ups.
Hoping to enjoy this first month of summer with an open schedule. Try to get some walking in for exercise and some time out and about doing some photography again. Expecting to spend the last week of the month at the Outer Banks in North Carolina. Otherwise exploring the area around my new home and enjoying the beautiful weather.