
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sulking ain't pretty

Well... definitely in the full throes of this cold. We've passed into the coughing stage now, which only irritates my throat all over again. Must admit that I was hoping to wake up this morning and feel right as rain. Of course since that didn't happen, it's another fruitless day around the old homestead. I'm just trying not to sulk to extremity. The original plan was to be in Canada for a pool party. But phlegm is about as appealing in a pool as piss; so I am depriving friends of my presence and plague. Instead I've been indulging in moody music while futzing about the house. Did a fairly good job of distracting myself last night. Lazy, but tasty, take-out shawarma for dinner along with movies and a card game. This evening is looking like mani/pedi night with a couple of Coen films. That should use up my time nicely. The only question is do I start with the horrifying or the hilarious film-wise? Which note do I want to end the evening with?

Being cooped up is not a situation I deal well with. I defiantly took a walk yesterday for a little over an hour. Got three plus miles in and was careful not to press myself too hard. It was a lovely day though and it felt good to be out and about for a short time. I stopped and took a few pictures along the way, including this bird nest I happened to glimpse in a field off the path. Since the cold is a little more fierce today, I've been making the 'smart' decision to stay in and try to take it easy. Of course I'm optimistic that I'll wake up tomorrow and feel better. We'll see how that works out. After all, o' brother, this is no country for old sulkers.

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